Re-enrollment Form Students Being Re-enrolledStudent Name, Grade, Enrollment Fee PaidEnrollment Fee: $175 for 1 child, $300 for 2 children, $450 for 3+ childrenCheckCashAnedotDate PaidTotal Paid $Enrollment fee must be paid before your child/children can be added to a class listĀ for the upcoming school year.Re-enrollment ConsentRe-enrollment Consent *By reenrolling, I am confirming again my support of Temple Baptist School as given in the application. I understand cost information is contained in the 2024-2025 tuition and fee schedule and that the school handbook contains financial and policy information. I also understand that the school reserves the right to make financial changes at any time. I give permission for the School to contact me using any of the numbers and the e-mail addresses given to Temple Baptist School. This includes contact by the SchoolCast notification system and contact through the Renweb school management program.Parent SignatureDateParent Contact InfoDad PhoneDad EmailMom PhoneMom EmailNorth Carolina Opportunity ScholarshipI anticipate having the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship for the upcoming school year.YesNoDate applied for ScholarshipTuitionI plan to pay tuition in full by September 1.YesNoAfter-School CareFrom 12 pm until (approximate time)From 3 pm until (approximate time)I will not need after-school care.Submit Withdrawl Notice My child(ren) will not be returning to Temple Baptist School in the fall.Reason for not re-enrolling.Reason for WithdrawlFinancesRelocatingOtherIf other, please list reason.Child(ren) Being Withdrawn(Name, Grade)Submit